which class is right for me?

Unsure of which class you should attend? Worried that you have never tried yoga before? Fear not, we are here to help. We want you to be comfortable in whichever class you choose, here are some explanations of what to expect from the different classes.


We offer various styles of yoga from the relaxing and meditative Yin classes all the way up to the heart pumping hot Vinyasa Flow yoga. Choose which of the styles below best suits your needs…

yin yoga

This is a quiet, slow and meditative practice, with a focus on the hips, pelvis and lower spine, all supported by the earth using props and variations to allow the body to open up and the mind to still.

By holding postures for an extended period, the connective tissue is stimulated and joints are nourished.

Yin is open to all levels and is a great way to bring balance to your dynamic yoga practice. For some the challenge of letting go in a Yin class is harder than coming up into handstand.

Some Yin Yoga sessions may conclude with a seated meditation to leave you feeling grounded and restored.


New to yoga? Come to one (or two, or three…) of our beginners classes until you feel comfortable and confident in the yoga studio environment.

This class will demystify some of the key postures (and Sanskrit terms) while taking things at a slower, more manageable pace. Great for getting the basics right, before moving on to other classes on our schedule.

We also offer beginners workshops and courses for a more in-depth introduction to yoga – please contact us for more details.


Some of our yoga classes are served HOT!, where the room is heated to 40 degrees celsius. (look out for the word HOT in the title of the class). Our yoga studio is equipped with state-of-the-art infra red panel heaters. This type of heat is ideal for hot yoga as it causes less sweating and therefore less discomfort.

Benefits of Hot Yoga

Cardiovascular health: Exercising in the heat increases your heart rate and makes the body work harder, so a hot yoga class will be more strenuous for the body than a similar class done at a lower temperature. 

Flexibility: The heat in the room means you will have to create less heat yourself to feel your muscles loosen up. You’ll be able to move deeper into stretches and won’t have to warm up as much to build the heat.



Ashtanga Yoga derives from the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, linking breath and movement in a continuous flow.

The class is based on the Primary Series – a dynamic sequence of postures practiced with focused breathing techniques, designed specifically to align the body and strengthen the nervous system, while cultivating a feeling of inner peace and leading to a natural state of meditation.

Suitable for all levels. Classes will be taught to music.


This class is designed to bring awareness into the mind and body by focusing on breath and alignment.

One translation of the Sanskrit word Hatha means sun-moon, so through this practice, you will learn to find balance – not just standing on one leg, but discovering that sense of equilibrium in the body and mind, the balance between effort and surrender in each posture.

Hatha Flow is a great place to build foundations for your practice. Suitable for all levels.


Popularised by K. Pattabhi Jois during the 20th century, Ashtanga vinyasa is a set sequence of postures which work to nourish the eight limbs of yoga through breath (pranayama) postures (asanas) and a focal point (dristi). With regular practice, the student can expect to develop a strong body and a balanced mind. Classes will be based on the primary series and will be led rather than Mysore style.

This is a vigorous form of moving meditation so be prepared to sweat.

  • Vinyasa Flow yoga

    This style of yoga is a practice that synchronizes movement with breath. The word “Vinyasa” is derived from the Sanskrit term nyasa, which means “to place,” and the prefix vi, “in a special way”. The vinyasa flow class varies between teachers as they get creative with their sequencing and draw upon their diverse influences. Sometimes you may explore a slower, more alignment-based session and other times a gentler, softer flow. In all sessions there is a sense of progression and transformation, from one posture to the next, breath by breath.

  • yin yang yoga

    Join Melé Beretta for Yin Yang Yoga, where we'll explore the different energies generated through a Yang (energising) and Yin (calming stillness and depth) practise. We will warm and energise as we progressively work through a mindful dynamic and flowing Yang asana (postures) practice. That will help to build muscle strength, energy fluidity and develop your flexibility and spatial awareness. In the Yin portion, we'll slow things right down, tapping into restorative and meditative principles of Yin, focusing on stillness and calm. Postures are passively held for longer periods helping to free connective tissue, while directing energy around the main meridian pathways.

    The two practises combined will help you to reset and rebalance :)


    Yoga is for everyone – and you’re never too young to start. These classes are similar to an adult class and are a great way for teenagers to practise with friends and other students around their own age.

    The 45 minute class is all about reducing stress and gaining strength and flexibility, with fun, flowing sequences to warm up the body, followed by long-held restorative yoga postures. There will also be breathwork, relaxation techniques and short meditations.

    Suitable for 12-16 year olds of all levels. No previous yoga experience necessary.


  • pilates

    Pilates works the entire body through a series of repetitive mat-based exercises, helping to improve strength, postural alignment and muscle balance. This is an Open Level class – everyone is welcome, from beginners to more experienced practitioners. The teacher will adapt the class and may give a variety of options for students of different levels to explore.

  • Pilates for runners & cyclists

    Designed with your running and cycling performance needs in mind, this class is heavy on core, hip and foot & ankle strength and mobility, so you can improve your form and mitigate the chance of injury while building you up to run and cycle stronger and faster than ever before!⁠ It is a medium paced mixed ability class which balances strength & conditioning with dynamic stretch routines.

  • cardio pilates

    This is a faster pace class perfect for those wanting a low impact alternative to HIIT workouts. Using the concept of circuit training, we will go through sets of exercises which will raise your heartbeat, whilst building strength, endurance and stamina. We mix these up with some recovery sets where we mobilize, stretch and catch our breath. You will leave the studio with a radiant glow and full of energy for the rest of the day. Small equipment like light weights, resistance bands, Pilates circles can make an appearance to spice things up.


If you are still unsure, please email studio@studi07.space to discuss your specific requirements.




High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low intensity recovery periods. It is perhaps the most time-efficient way to exercise.

HIIT in particular is an effective workout for those who want to get active and healthy, but don’t have the time in their schedule for lengthy workouts. It is an effective time saver and workout.

Body conditioning

Body Conditioning combines cardio and resistance work to an energetic beat to work out your whole body. With a range of exercise techniques that includes aerobics, floor work, weights and resistance training, you're guaranteed a varied class that will hit those areas that other workouts miss.

more classes coming soon

We’ll be adding more classes to our fitness room schedule in the coming months. Please contact us for more details.


If you are still unsure, please email studio@studi07.space to discuss your specific requirements.


1-2-1 private PT sessions or small group PT sessions with your very own dedicated Personal Trainer.

The best way to increase your fitness levels and achieve your own personal body goals is through 1-2-1 personal training. Perhaps you're looking for extra motivation to reach a particular goal or you want to build confidence in the gym? One-to-one sessions with our dedicated trainers can make a real difference to your wellbeing and your results.

Contact Studi07 now to discuss your training requirements